Blog 11 :: How to read your workouts
- Geoff Wiseman
Simple right… Wrong
Im going to doing a video on this next week just to clear some things up and make everything crystal for anyone else who wants to jump into the online coaching with me!
You have already seen the format I use
A1 Exercise/Sets/Reps/Tempo/Rest/Special instructions
A2 Exercise/Sets/Reps/Tempo/Rest/Special instructions
B1 Exercise/Sets/Reps/Tempo/Rest/Special instructions
B2 Exercise/Sets/Reps/Tempo/Rest/Special instructions
and so on and so on
Basically, If the letters are the same A and A then thats denoting the exercises should be done together and all sets done before moving onto the B’s.

With regards to reps, if you see the following:
10 – 12
8- 10
This its whats known as a rep window. The aim is to hit the top end each set. If you hit 12 on set one with the weight you have increase weight (not for my sadistic pleasure but too ensure progressions and gains!!. If you don’t hit the lower number then weight is too heavy.
When it comes to tempos, rest periods and special instructions all I’m going to add is that the details matter as I’ve learnt first hand!!
I still curse my coach trust me!