Blog 2 Hard work, No change

Blog 2

Im working hard as hell but not changing!!

Ever heard the saying “If you train the same you stay the same?”

Of course you have. Ever taken any notice of it?

Probably not and if you have, what tends to happen is people introduce HIIT/LISS/Steady state cardio/Gold plated, star spangled cardio (This one apparently can be extremely good for you but very hard to do right – and yes I’m been sarcastic, this method doesn’t exist!)

What people tend to forget is that they can alter the way in which they train while using weights.

Time under tension can be altered, Rest periods can be manipulated, hand position when it comes to grips, foot position when it comes to Hamstrings. These are just some. Then of course you can increase weight, change the exercises used to something more difficult or that involves different muscles to be recruited, and no not single leg RDL’s using Dumbbells requiring the balance of someone from Cirque du Soleil, (For True Ninjas which move in the shadows)

This all ties into the post yesterday when it comes to programming. The reason we follow a set programme is to witness progress. Strength, body shape, work capacity. However, everything is only good for so long, then it needs to change/advance in order to keep the progressions and improvements coming

Guaranteed, you have seen an example of this somewhere. You go to the gym and see the same person everyday sitting on a recliner bike, or doing sets of ten glute kickbacks for a year and yet they don’t change.

Reason is simple, our bodies are designed to adapt, evolve and survive. We get used to the stimulus and therefore the body is no longer requiring the same amount of energy or use as much of our muscles overtime.

#strengthcoachcardiff #wpt #strength #fitfam #thecompound #fitness #gainz #glutes #quads #performancebased #strongnotskinny #nevergiveup #push #grind #tut #picp


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