Blog 22 S.A.I.D
- Geoff Wiseman
Blog 22
S.A.I.D principle
I have never been able to remember this (purely because there should be a ’t’t for the to part with in the pneumonic!)
Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands
Quite simply, if you want to get better at anything squats/pull ups/bicep curls/cooking then you have to practise it.
However, something to note is that just because you get better at a bicep curl doesn’t mean you will get better at arm wrestling.
There will be some cross over with certain exercises, for example,
Farmers walks develop better grip strength, which can assist in a pull up as you find it easier to grip the handles. Bicep work will help also because you are strengthening the fibres within the muscle and depending if you then do a chin up (supinated grip) then likelihood is that the farmers walk (grip) and the added strength in the biceps is going to assist. (Pleasa keep in mind though that pulls ups and chin ups are for the back before any coaches/pts get clever lol)
All this been S.A.I.D (like what I did there : P ) try to keep this in the back of your mind.
Change things up to ensure more progression and constant development but at the same time give each a chance to notice the changes (3-4 weeks before adaptation is seen and begins to stagnate)
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