Blog 47 Pushing the Limits

Blog 47

Pushing personal limits and boundaries.

I am purely talking about with regards to programming, weight lifted and sets completed.

Straight into today:

A1: Squat 8-10 reps 70kgs 4010 Tempo

Now the 8-10 signifies the rep range window. The aim with any rep range window is to hit the top end of that in this case 10. If you complete the set then the very next set of squats to carry out you must/should be increasing the weight on the damn bar!!

Not due to ego, not due to anything else other than the fact the aim is to fail. Work harder, the added weight ensures the body is at least presented a new stimulus during the workout even if its the same exercise. This ensures maximum potential for gains.

**if your form went to sh*t then obviously don’t but if it didn’t then get that weight on and allow it to be crushed!**

Rep range windows are just one possible way to structure workouts and programmes. The more consistently you have been training and the longer, the more intricate and exciting they can look. Better yet the more different they get, the more likely it is that you have a Coach who knows what the hell they are doing.

Who wants more information on different rep schemes?

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