Blog 59 My questionable Form..
Blog 59
Like many others, I had another experience today of someone who was down right rude and extremely critical of my form and methods. Some people would react by not rising to it, some people would rise to it and be sarcastic and nasty and some people would rise to it be sarcastic, nasty, and remind the person that they actually give absolutely no fucks whatsoever about the opinion they have stated. I will let you guess which one I am : )
Now if the comment had been constructive instead of just negative and absolutely dickish then I may have changed my demeanour but it wasn’t so I answered it the best way I know how and thats by been me.
Again, if the person was someone who was experienced and recognisable and had some qualification or education or reputation behind them then I may have opened my mind and listened, hell I would of even potentially paid the person to visit me or I visit them so they could help correct and make what ever was supposedly wrong better, but no they weren’t so… you guessed it…
I was the latter.
Im all for feedback but come on its got to be constructive whether its negative or positive, otherwise you may a well not bother trying to change anything at all.
Moral of the story, some people are just vindictive, trouble making, spineless and jealous think they know it alls. Thats my two cents!!
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