Post 43 Mentality
Post 43 Mentality
So yesterdays post was a bit of a wake up call with regards to how hard it is to get in damn shape.
Well today is about mentality and about the way some people are wired.
The people I see day in and day out are very much of the mindset “yeah ill have that bottle of wine or pizza and then ill just burn it off the next day” thinking thats how the body works. Well, thats not quite accurate.
How much you burn off depends on your body weight, hydration level as well as how much of your body is lean muscle tissue. At the same time our body has most likely already identified the nutrients etc and put them exactly where we don’t want them because its real helpful like that.
What I am really aiming at with this blog is the mindset in general. So what if you have a bottle of wine and pizza once every other week or every other month. We get one life, enjoy the damn thing. Accept though that it can hinder progress of course it will.
I am no advocate for depriving myself or anyone of a whole macro nutrient for example.
Keto = forget it
Caffeine = forget it
Sugar free = would rather quit life altogether.
Teaching Olympic Lifts = forget it (I do know some pretty good coaches in the Cardiff area though)
Mindset, if you want something have it, just don’t have it every damn day. Appreciate what you have, what other don’t have, every day ask yourself how you can make somebody’s day easier or better, thats gonna have a huge positive factor on mood/mind (so can sitting up straight or holding your head high but what do I know)
Tomorrows blog Im gonna update you all on my week with my son and whether or not I or He has survived..
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