How quick can I lose weight?
Generally, the rule of thumb here is that the quicker you lose it the quicker you re gain it all.
We always look for quick fixes problem with these quick fixes is that they can work briefly but then due to our body and its brilliant ability to adapt, it becomes used to it and therefore falls back off the wagon and then we start to go backwards.
In the fitness/training industry the most amount of weight or body fat that can be lost at a safe rate (Maximum recommended) 1.0kg per week.
Now to hit this 1.0kg per week there are certain parameters that have to be hit.
To lose 1.0kg of body fat/weight per week you need to be in a calorie deficit of 7500 calories over the course of a week. (NOT IN A DAY!)
We have all heard the generic recommendations from the NHS/Eatwell plate stating that men should be consuming 2500 calories and women 1500 calories. I call BS purely because there are so many factors that influence these numbers the main one been the fact we are all individuals.
Hell, the fact we are all individuals means our bone densities are different, are muscle mass, our body fat, our daily activity levels (NEAT), our Physical activity level (PAL) our height all impact the amount of calories we require on a day to day basis.
I won’t get started to hard on the BMI thingy they use within the NHS and any arm of service (police/army/fire service etc) its out of date massively and needs to be rethought.
To summarise
- you need a plan
- You need to be consistently in a calorie deficit that is maintainable.
- You need to monitor progress
- You need to change training stimulus (once you have given it time to see if it works)
- It needs to be these things so that its sustainable
- By doing all these things you are going to arm yourself with the tools you need in order to be able to do this for the rest of your life!
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