Who am I?

After 11 years in the military I know just how important physical fitness is but also mental robustness.

I haven’t just done your basic personal training courses:

  • Advanced Diploma in Personal Training
  • PICP 1 and 2 certified
  • PICP 3 and 4 (require athletes for full certification)
  • Biosignature analysis 1 and 2
  • NLP Coach (neurolinguistic programming)

Now I don’t just believe in courses for horses. I like to understand what I am going to be demanding of my clients so to that end I have taken part and will continue to take in numerous Body composition and strength training courses, where I essentially get to experience the sort of training sessions that I programme for my clientele.

I believe that you cannot stop learning and moving. The minute you do, is the minute you stop trying to become the best person/coach you can be. Due to this ethos I have continually expanded on my education each year.

What does it take to be an online client?

It takes commitment, determination, honesty, transparency and patience. Patience that changes take time and they are not overnight.

What does it take to be an online coach?

It takes commitment, determination, honesty, transparency, understanding and patience.

Patience in knowing life can take lead.

“Even a bad training session is progress”

“Never Give Up”

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