Blog 31 Correct Technique
HUGGGGEEEElyyyy Important Post.
I am a huge stickler for technique and performing exercises under control and with tempo.
Along with what I and other personal trainers see as I’ve stated before theres only so much time we have and corrected everything and everyone and changing ideals, we simply can’t do it.
One of my biggest fears is injuring my back again, so for me exercises like 45 degree back extensions, back extensions, GHR, Nordics are all staples to my mobility sessions.
At the bottom of this article is a link to a video showing how to execute an RDL with the correct posture and form. (RDL for the glute gainers out there)
A few things to note here. The eyes, Neck and head should remain neutral and at no point should you be checking yourself in a mirror or looking straight up when performing this exercise. As the bar travels down the quads, past the knees in some cases, others not (flexibility dependent) the chin should tuck down towards the chest.
The lats should be contracted and shoulders back the moment you lift the bar. The bar should sit firmly in the crease of you palm around about where the calluses sit.
The knees should bend slightly so as not to be rigid and then as the bar descend the hips hinge (the butt pushes back to the wall behind you) and you should feel the hamstrings stretching and the toes will want to lift off the floor slightly.
On returning to the start position the glutes should be squeezed as the hips drive through the bar back to the start.
The aim of this exercise is to strengthen the glutes and also the lower back. If you don’t feel those hamstrings stretching then chances are you doing them incorrectly and not performing the movement the way intended.
Check out the video below: