Blog 62 Diet plans!
Now some how over the years the industry has absolutely made the whole world of calories and diet way more fricken complex than it needs to be…
…Yeah like it needs any bloody help with that considers that theres so much that can be done at one time and at the same time Pizza is LIFE!
I get a lot of emails asking what I’m on etc and if I would write a diet plan/meal plan and give out calories and macros for each person.
so lets tackle these in order,
My calories aren’t necessarily going to work for you. My age, gender, activity level, training regime all play a role in my calories and macros no it really would be a bad idea because lets say i do, you use them but you don’t match and train and progress the way i do. Its 50/50 that you are going to be happy but Im sure if you are not I would hear about it pretty sharpish.
Diet/Meal Plans, quite simply the answer is a resounding no. I will not supply meal plans with timings and macro breakdowns for anyone, Why you say, because past experience has told me that the individual does not learn while they do this. For me its the worst thing anyone can do to me for a long period of time because i don’t like the idea of dictated too.
the biggest reason I won’t do this is because that is not my job and outside of my remit. In fact its outside of any Personal Trainers/Strength Coach’s remit because they are not a QUALIFIED CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST.
Finally, the macro and calorie breakdowns. The biggest issue I’m having to cope with at the moment is the sheer volume that Im been asked to do. Now I’m all for been busy but when I don’t have time to pick my nose then I start to get grouchy! On a serious note, generally what tends to happen when you give something or attain something for free you tend not to be that committed because you have no vested interest. Thats why people charge prices to ensure that the people they help are actually going to take it seriously rather than get the macro break down then try and fill it with Ben and Jerry’s, Doritos chips and popcorn but diet coke (Diet coke really with the other shite – give me a break)
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