Blog 20
Cardio as a warm up before a weight session?
I got a lot of emails last week from people in response to my post about warm ups and the common theme was
am I doing it right?
Again theres not a right or wrong way, but I am a firm believer in carrying out a warm up thats going to best prepare you’re body
for your session.
A bike, step thingy, or treadmill are kinda broad brushes in my opinion. A big no no for me is too warm up by doing sets of ten etc because essentially Im already going to be burning through required energy and strength for the actual session!
Heres, my ten pence on the subject of warm up or better yet heres an example of my warm prior to a lower body session.
**** WARNING*** I know how my body works best and how it feels.
In my last phase particular my rep scheme was 8,8,8,10,12.
I knew the expectation was that each set is to progressively get heavier even though reps increase (and even though my goal is to drop body fat and weight)
So my warm up was as follows:
The stretch that I put out here in video with my leg up the wall, (10 to 15 seconds on each leg while tensing my glutes in the later phases.
Walking lunges (literally once up and once back 50m)
Then I would put my 1 RM on the bar in this case (140 kg) and complete 1 full rep at 6010. I would then take 3 minutes rest (Nervous system Recovery different post) then I would repeat it.
The bar then gets stripped to my starting weight for 8 reps (115kg in this workout) and I prepare to start the session.
The reason I choose to warm up like that is purely because its an over recruitment factor. It in theory, makes the rest of the lifts/session easier.
(By the end it doesn’t feel like it was easier but the weights went as follows:
115 kg for 8
117.5 kg for 8
120 kg for 8
122.5 kg for 10
125 kg for 10 (missed the last two reps!)
I know for a fact if I had got on a treadmill or warmed up any other way I would not have performed anywhere near as well!
Now Im not saying everyone should adopt this way but its more food for thought. Ask yourself if you think your warm up is appropriate/SPECIFIC enough to your workout to follow.
***WARNING*** if you do decide to give it a go make sure theres enough safety around and make sure you are ready to lift that load!
#strengthcoachcardiff #wpt #strength #fitfam #thecompound #fitness #gainz #glutes #quads #performancebased #strongnotskinny #nevergiveup #push #grind #tut #picp
