Blog 32 Diet

The dreaded diet.
We have all heard the saying you cannot out train a bad diet. This is one hundred per cent true.
If you work your guts off, sweat, bleed and cry in the gym but then do the following:
Eat a complete pile of shite that got next to no GOOD quality nutrition in it then don’t expect fantastic or even mediocre results.
One aspect of this I find thats not talked about a lot though is the individuals who eat high quality foods but just don’t eat enough calories to putting themselves in too much of a deficit.
We have discussed that the key fundamental to weight loss/body fat loss is to eat but yet to maintain a calorie deficit. However, this needs to be reasonable.
Clients often forget or neglect to understand that our body requires a certain amount of nutrients and calories to progress. They always think a bigger deficit is going to reap bigger rewards. Its all well and good saying I want to get lean, build muscle, tone or drop body fat but if your not going to eat how on earth do you expect to accomplish this??
To burn body fat we need calories. To build muscle we need calories. To breathe, move, function we need calories. (Notice a pattern)
Diet is the corner stone to results alongside a structured programme.
If you aren’t seeing results heres some things to consider:
  1. Am I eating the right types of food?
  2. Am I eating enough?
  3. Are my calories and macros configured correctly/Optimally in order to achieve my goal whatever it may be!
  4. Am I drinking enough to aide the absorption and digestion of this food I am eating
Not as long today but hopefully its helped a little…

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