Blog 16 :: Glute Gains

Blog 16 :: Glute Gains

Not gonna even try and pretend here. This post is mainly aimed at the female followers (Only because Ive never had a guy ask me to get them a bigger posterior!!) In the last few years glute gains has somehow become a hash-tag-thingy-ma-iggy on insta-whatever. (I still...

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Blog 15 :: Programming

Blog 15 :: Programming

The last two posts I’ve had to direct you to my main site purely because Im very conscious of the length of the posts. Truth be told I could probably talk you to death about programming, adaptations, consistency but not everyone has the patience to read it all. Not...

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Blog 14 :: How long to stay on a programme

Blog 14 :: How long to stay on a programme

Info Overload 2 Yesterdays post finished with a statement about time and programming and how long to be on one. A lot of people who start programmes either stop before enough time has been given to see results, or they stop due to injury because it can be too much for...

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Blog 13 :: Information overload!!

Blog 13 :: Information overload!!

Friend A: I want to grow but don’t know how? I want to lose body fat but don’t know how? Friend B: I know this really good guy/girl who happens to be a friend etc who does this for a job and they have hundreds of clients. Friend C: How do you know they are good?...

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Blog 12 :: Upper Body Workout

Blog 12 :: Upper Body Workout

This ones designed to get as much volume in as possible in order to overload the chest, triceps and back. if your arm don’t feel like they have carpets under them for a day or two something was done incorrect! A1: Incline barbell bench Press )45 degree incline) Sets:...

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Blog 11 :: How to read your workouts

Blog 11 :: How to read your workouts

Simple right… Wrong Im going to doing a video on this next week just to clear some things up and make everything crystal for anyone else who wants to jump into the online coaching with me! You have already seen the format I use i.e: A1...

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Blog 10 :: Goal Setting

Blog 10 :: Goal Setting

Most if not all of us have heard about goal setting at some point. You are probably all thinking “nah, its gonna be a shit read today” well suck it up. NEWFLASH This really is one of those things that can really mean the difference between success and failure. It can...

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Blog 9 Strength Qualities

Blog 9 Strength Qualities

Blog 9 Strength Qualities As eluded to the other day theres four strength qualities RS = Relative Strength = 1 - 5 reps FH = Functional Hypertrophy = 6 - 8 reps H = Hypertrophy = 9 - 12 reps SE = Strength Endurance = 13+ reps The most sought after ones that I deal...

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Blog 8 TUT 2

Blog 8 TUT 2

Blog 8 TUT 2 TEMPO explained and how rest intervals reinforce the end goal. That reminds me, goal setting tomorrow!!! 4010 tempo The first number (4) is the eccentric lowering phase The second number (0) is informing us whether there is a pause between the eccentric...

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Blog 7 TUT 1

Blog 7 TUT 1

Blog 7 TUT 1: If you tried the workout you now have definitely changed experienced a change in training stimulus and the effects will keep coming over the few days. As we discussed the other day theres three main methods of ensuring overload. However, theres even more...

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Blog 6 Quad Burner

Blog 6 Quad Burner

Blog 6 Quad Burner Most of us who hit the gym have squats as part of our lower body session just like we have red/white wine or beer on a Friday night. But as with the example used before "person on recliner bike 365 days a year for 45 minutes reading 50 shades" our...

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