Blog 71 Its all in the phrasing!

Blog 71 Its all in the phrasing!

Blog 71 Ok I admit it yesterdays blog was little bit of a rant. But Im over it now.. Ive dried my eyes, and lost ten seconds of which I will never get back But I’m over it. Now depending on how observant you are you may have noticed certain things were...
Blog 70 Are you actually Ready?

Blog 70 Are you actually Ready?

Blog 70 Are you actually Ready? Now I feel like I’m going back over trodden ground here. Im sure in earlier blogs Ive discussed though so I guess this is more of a gentle nudge to aid remind people. I am a Coach. People approach me and pay me to write strength...
Blog 68 Final Word on Change!

Blog 68 Final Word on Change!

Blog 68 Lets say we got everything down, we have been changing exercises and reps and methods frequently for say 6 months. We see progress but we want more. There are quite simple enough rep schemes, loading patterns, and fancy different methods to last a lifetime! We...
Blog 67 Changing Things up 2!

Blog 67 Changing Things up 2!

Blog 67 Yesterday we covered how you could set reps differently to stay in the so called ‘Fat Loss Zone’ today lets talk more about methods. Theres literally so many different methods, some of which I’ve covered already in previous blogs and some...

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